Sunday, October 11, 2009

Final Fantasy Music: Distant Worlds 2009 Concert.

Final Fantasy Music: Distant Worlds of 2009 played in Vancovuer, BC, Canada this year.
I must say, it was quite amazing and enjoyable.
Being able to hear orchestrated versions of soundtracks from the Final Fantasy series,
gives you a sense of immersion with the lively hood of the game.
Re-arranged from the originals, they give a different feel, taste, and/or style to the original.

For those that could not make it, or are not able to attend, we wish you the best of luck in the future in hopes to attend of these concerts.

Also, a special premier was done at this very concert, in which is also a premier for all of North America.
The main theme for Final Fantasy 7, in which has only ever been played by an orchestra, once in Japan, was played at this very concert. It was spectacular. For those that dreamed and wondered what the original theme for Final Fantasy VII. Keep imagining; possibly they will release a CD for it in the future concerts and may have this track in it.

Unfortunaly, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra did not apparently provide proper progames so I do not have a full listing of the songs played.
Those that I can recall right at this very moment include.

Opening~Bombing Mission - FFVII
To Zanakard - FFX
Fisherman's Horizion - FFVIII
Aerith's Theme - FFVII
Terra - FFVI
Theme of Love - FFIV
Memoro de La Stono~Distant Worlds - FFXI
Opera "Maria and Draco" - FFVI
Man with a Machine Gun - FFVIII
Vamo' alla Flamenco - FFIX
Swing de Chocobo - Swing version Chocobo songs.
One-Winged Angel - FFVII
Love Grows - VIII

Also, the conductor, Arnie Roth started the concert off with what we all have heard, deep at heart in many, many of the games from the series.
Victory Fanfare.
He also ended the concert, (After the long progression of 3 encores.) with Fanfare; giving everyone a good night's chuckle.

There will be more to update, but as for now. That will be it.

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